Tarpon to Sailfish
Tarpon to Sailfish… Can those two amazing trophy fish both be caught is a half day fishing off Miami and Miami Beach. Well, the answer is yes ! Just this past week Capt. Manny was on his way out of the Haulover Park Marina and decided to stop and fish in the Haulover Inlet for a few minutes. The Haulover Inlet is just a few hundred yards away form our dock in the marina. Inlets can hold some great sport game fish like Tarpon, Jack Caravelle, Snook & Barracuda. Thats how you could see Tarpon to Sailfish.
Let's Start with Tarpon
While slow trolling a combination of live bait and rigged natural baits first thing in the morning, Capt. Manny saw a flash of color on the right short bait. Inlet fishing is best on the incoming tide, and that was what we had. With an explosion of water a hole opened up and the right short rod bent over hard. Before you can yell “Fish On” a mirror sided Tarpon leapt up into the air. After a 20 minute hard fought battle we had a 60+ pound tarpon at boat side. After a few quick pictures, the Tarpon was on his way back to the pass to lick it’s wounds.
And Now Sailfish
A quick fifteen minute ride latter put us just about a mile and a half off shore. Just east of the deep reef the cobalt blue waters of the Gulf Stream were pushing the hard North current up against the drop-off of the reef. We began trolling South against the current with a full spread out. Fresh cut Bonita strips with small lures were hung in the long riggers, The short riggers were baited with a combination of bird teasers and small feathers and lures. In the flat line positions we were trolling baits down deep with the help of planers.Not long after the spread of baits and lures were put out and adjusted, Capt. Manny yells out “Sailfish on the right long”! Chris the mate was quick to the rod and teased the fish into grabbing the Bonito strip. After a proper drop back and a solid hook set our angler is quickly in the chair fighting another great trophy sport game fish. The 7 foot long Sailfish took a long hard run then directly into a great aerial display. About a dozen jumps later our angler, Capt. Manny and crew had another great catch at the side of the boat. Once again after a few quick pix, the sail was released to fight again! Thats it… Tarpon to Sailfish in a half day of fishing!

Capt. Jay Cohen
Capt. Jay owns and operates the Miami fishing charter Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing. Capt. Jay has fished Miami for more than 40 years and holds several I.G.F.A world records and has won multiple tournaments, including the METT tournament and the fun fish boat in the Miami Billfish tournament. Capt. Jay discovered a new species of tilefish and had the honor of naming the fish (Bahama Tiger Tilefish).