Big Mahi-Mahi Are Showing Up
Big Mahi Mahi came through Miami, early this Summer. We had some of the best “Gaffer” sized Dolphin FishFishing Charter Miami Beach Fl – Big Mahi (Mahi Mahi) on our Fishing Charter Miami Beach Fl. We were finding small groups of larger fish chasing Flying Fish under Frigate Birds. Deep sea fishing off Miami and Miami Beach, we typically find Dolphin under al sorts of sea birds. Turns, Shearwaters, Gulls and Frigates are all indicators of feeding game fish
How We Catch Big Mahi Mahi, Miami Style...
Once we find the birds working over bait fish. We can determine the direction the fish are traveling. You can troll Ballyhoo or lures into the path of the working birds and get the Dolphin to leave the natural bait fish and strike your baits. I like natural single hooked Ballyhoo when we can see the fish feeding on the surface. Also when the fish take up chase, you can work that ballyhoo almost like a live bait. Chuggers placed in front of the Ballyhoo will also get the larger fish to take notice of your baits. Some times it takes a larger, noisier presentation to get that big Bull Dolphins attention.
When pitch bait fishing we get up in the boats tuna tower and look for the individual feeding Mahi. The trick is to get in front of that fish in the same direction it is traveling. We stop just a head of the big Mahi and pitch a live bait. The bait is chosen by the size of the fish. Typical school fish a small “gem” blue runner or pilchard is best. When we see a Big Dolphin (over 20 pounds) I like to use a larger Blue Runner or Almaco Jack. We catch all of the runners and assorted jacks off shore under “floaters” or sargassum weed. The larger bait will keep a smaller fish from rushing in and stealing the bait away from a large Bull.

Capt. Jay Cohen
Capt. Jay owns and operates the Miami fishing charter Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing. Capt. Jay has fished Miami for more than 40 years and holds several I.G.F.A world records and has won multiple tournaments, including the METT tournament and the fun fish boat in the Miami Billfish tournament. Capt. Jay discovered a new species of tilefish and had the honor of naming the fish (Bahama Tiger Tilefish).