Fishing Report January 2014
Barracuda Fishing on the Reefs
January 30, 2014
The really large Greater Barracuda has been a rare catch of lately. These “Dinosaurs” of the wrecks are a truly fun Sport Game Fish to catch. Aggressive strikes, hard, fast runs and great leaps into the air makeMiami Fishing Report Barracuda – Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing Miami the Barracuda one of our favorite fish to catch. Unfortunately the really big fish have been harder and harder to find.This past week, fishing live Bonita’s over some of the shallower wrecks we caught two of the largest Greater Barracuda we have seen in a very long time. We were fishing with 20 pound line using a live “bullet” small Bonita with a four foot piece of number 6 wire. The fish took the baits after about a half hour wait. The bites were epic, the rods bent over and the line came flying off the reels. A few jumps latter and a couple of tense moments at the boat and we had landed two of the largest Greater Barracudas of our season!
Fishing Has Been Great this Winter
January 16, 2014
This week, Miami Sport Fishing on the Spellbound Capt. Manny and Mike G the mate with their customers caught a 30+ lb Wahoo trolling fresh ballyhoo out in about 300 feet of water. Wahoo is an exiting sport fish that can attain speeds up to 60 miles an hour. This super Miami Sport Fishing – Wahoo – Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing Miamifast fish strikes a bait violently and makes exhausting long runs. A great sport game fish that we have the opportunity to catch off the coast of Miami & Miami Beach.
Capt. Jay’s deep sea fishing Miami offers our customers the all new 57′ USCG licensed & inspected Spellbound. Capt. Jay’s Spellbound was custom built to fish off Miami & Miami Beach. We are licensed to take up to 20 people out charter fishing all together on one boat. If your group is either just two people or 20 anglers the Spellbound is the right platform (fishing boat) for your group.
Golden Tilefish Fishing
January 15, 2014
This week Miami Fishing Report Golden Tilefish are biting! Cooler water and fast Gulf Stream North currents have brought the Golden Tilefish down to their southern winter grounds off Miami & Miami Beach. We catch these amazing bottom dwelling predators out past 500 feet Miami Fishing Report Golden Tilefish – Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing Miamiof water. The fish have been from around 2 or 3 pounds all the way to about 25 pounds. We are allowed one fish per person, and have been catching quick limits when the conditions are right.
We take a very light tackle approach to catching Golden Tilefish. We use light 20lb to 30lb braid line and make our leaders out of 50lb monofiliment or fluorocarbon line. We will fish lead as light as one pound and as heavy as three pounds, depending on wind and current. Our rods are fast action 6 to 7 foot long 20 pound stand up rods. Typical of jig fishing. Hooks are chosen to match the size and type of bait. I like 8/0 offset beak style hooks fished two hooks connected with swivel. The Tilefish bait can be anything fresh that resembles a sardine of glass eel. Bonita strips, small Ballyhoo, while squid, Kingfish Belly strips & Herring are just a few baits that we like to use. Most important is that the bait is fresh and swims well. A great tip from this Miami Fishing Report Golden Tilefish
Tilefish are great fun to catch and are even better eating. They are hard fighters and aggressively attack presented baits. The new limits are only one per angler at the time of writing this Miami Fishing Report Golden Tilefish. We try fish larger baits in order to target the larger Golden Tilefish. Unfortunately Tilefish come from such extreme depths that a live release is just not possible. The gasses is their blood come out of solution and create small bubbles in their blood. That causes embolisms that will kill the fish at some time.
Its the combination of the depth of the water (600′ – 700′), the water pressure and the high rate that they are pulled to the surface. So fish wisely and once you get your boats limit it is time to move on to a new fishery. That is todays Miami Fishing Report Golden Tilefish.
Wahoo Fishing
January 11, 2014
Miami Fishing Report Wahoo Dolphin are the highlight this week. Capt Manny and Chris the mate had EPIC fishing offshore this past week! Out past 900 feet of water Capt. Manny, Chris and our crew found a big tree floating offshore. The seas were rough at aboutMiami Fishing Report Wahoo Dolphin on the Spellbound – Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing Miami 5 to 7 feet with winds at 20+ knots from the North East.
rolling around the floater with rigged ballyhoo on the surface and on planners yielded nine wahoo of 35 pounds down to 18 pounds. The Mahi Mahi (Dolphin fish) were there as well. The largest fish was a bull that weighed in at nearly 30 ponds. They also caught another dozen Dolphin, all good size gaffer fish.
Dusky Shark Fishing
Jan 9, 2014
A rare giant Dusky Shark was caught by Capt. Many and our two mates Chris and Mike G. The giant Dusky Shark was almost 10 and a half feet long and pushing nearly 400 pounds. The shark was caught using a small Tuna forMiami Fishing Report Dusky Shark – Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing Miami on Spellbound bait out in nearly 500 feet of water. The Dusky Shark fought for more than an hour on 80Lb tackle and was finally brought boat side after a grueling battle.
These larger sharks can be hard to identify, especially the rare ones. This shark was thought to be a very large Bull Shark and was quickly boated to ID, remove the hooks & released to fight again. Congratulations to the angler and crew on an amazing catch.
Red Snapper Fishing
January 4, 2014
Red Snapper Miami! The cold water has finally made it down South and we caught our first Genuine Red Snapper of the season. True red snappers are a rare catch off Miami and Miami Beach. Although we do catch a few every year, and they are always a welcome sight. All of our Snappers are caught in state waters, outside of three miles we are at almost 700 feet.
This almost 20 pound Genuine Red Snapper was caught by Capt. Manny and Chris dropping a live pinfish on one of the deep wrecks off Miami Beach. We use a circle hook attached to a long length of 60 pound leader. We attach the leader to the rod with a three way swivel and also attach a dropper loop for the lead weight. We use anything from about a half pound to three pounds depending on depth, current and wind conditions.

Capt. Jay Cohen
Capt. Jay owns and operates the Miami fishing charter Capt. Jay’s Deep Sea Fishing. Capt. Jay has fished Miami for more than 40 years and holds several I.G.F.A world records and has won multiple tournaments, including the METT tournament and the fun fish boat in the Miami Billfish tournament. Capt. Jay discovered a new species of tilefish and had the honor of naming the fish (Bahama Tiger Tilefish).